Monday, July 30, 2007

Electric Philanthropy - Live and In Person

I will be giving a presentation at THE Foundations Seminar, hosted by the North-American Interfraternity Conference on August 24. This program, designed for inter/national fraternal organizations' development officers, will offer a number of sessions that you won't want to miss...especially mine!

Here's a teaser of what is to come:

Broadband technology has ushered in a new era of communication. Fundraisers have a wealth of tools never before available for donor cultivation, solicitation and stewardship. This session will explore how emerging technology can help you tell your story in new and powerful ways. See examples of how Web 2.0 can enhance and impact your development efforts. Learn if social networks, videos, blogs, interactive websites, email appeal campaigns, email stewardship programs, widgets, and virtual communities will work for your organization. Explore the value of building relationships through user-submitted content and viral marketing. You are guaranteed to see new things in this session and to take away ideas to grow your donor base of support.

If you are interested in having me speak at your conference, just say the word!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a volunteer with the Northwest Development Officers Association in Seattle and a co-chair of a committee which organizes panels/presentations on strategic issues and trends in fundraising. This is exactly the topic we would like to present in March 2008. Unfortunately, we don't have a budget to bring you out, Bethany, but might you or anyone else know of some peers in Seattle whom we should be talking with and who are knowledgeable on this topic? Please respond to me via e-mail at

