Friday, October 15, 2010

Hospitals Increasingly Turning to Social Media to Communicate

The Dayton Business Journal published an excellent feature on how hospitals are using social media as a way to communicate and build relationships with patients and families.  I am proud that The Children's Medical Center was prominently featured in this article. There is excellent advice from Betsy Woods, public relations and marketing manager at Datyon Children's (not to mention a quick shout-out to yours truly).   Read the article here.  I would love to get your feedback.  Do you follow any health care organizations?  Why or why not?

If you are interested in seeing what Dayton Children's is sharing via social media, follow us at:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Social Media Ninjas' (Bethany Deines and Betsy Woods) Podcast about Social Media in Healthcare

Betsy Woods, Marketing/PR manager for Dayton Children's and I will be one of the featured break-out speakers at the upcoming SummitUp confab on October 19 at Sinclair Community College.  We were recently interviewed by David Bowman, the Great and Powerful Oz behind the SummitUp social media conference, about social media in healthcare and more specifically about our experiences at Dayton Children's

Listen to the podcast here and let us know your feedback.  How are you using social media in your own field?  What are your best practices? Pitfalls to avoid? What recommendations can you give us?