Nonprofit Tech 2.0 posted an interesting blog article today about "Three Reasons Why Nonprofits Should Give a Tweet." Be sure to read that article so this blog post makes a lot more sense. I'm not sure what the potential is for this but I spent some time checking it out the new "GiveATweet" feature. I did a search for Dayton Children's and quickly found it and "claimed" it. I have seemingly linked myself to it as my charity of choice and I received a very quick twitter message from @GiveaTweet saying the following:
(via @BethanyDeines) @DaytonChildrens You hv been #giveatweeted
Things get pretty cool from here. Or at least they should. There still looks to be some glitches to work out. Theoretically, I should be able to make a donation. But when I tried that, I kept getting redirected back to an Invite Me page. Businesses should be able to sign up to match donations, which is a good concept but also doesn't seem to be working yet.
If this works out, there may be some potential for those charities with real evangelists out there to drive traffic to us GiveaTweet to make donations. Some charities really lend themselves well to this kind of promotion. I will likely play around with this feature to see how it benefits Dayton Children's but still believe we'll get better results by driving traffic to our website for an online donation. At least for now...I'm always open to see how things change. Different audiences will respond to different opportunities. It's best to keep all options open!
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