Fundraising as we've known it before is changing by the minute. The advent of new technologies will allow development officers to reach audiences we've never reached before. The cost of donor acquisition can no longer be an excuse for fundraising. Building the foundation of new donors is more critical today than ever before, as donors are giving more but to fewer charities. How can you be sure to be one of those selected as a favorite charity?
Electric philanthropy is a new blog I've developed to discuss new fundraising methods, new media opportunities to cultivate, solicit and steward donors, and recommendations on putting your message forward in innovative ways. My theories, ideas, and thoughts can be tested to see if they can ignite your fundraising initiatives. You are welcome to share your own creative suggestions. Let's see what works!
Blog topics will include powerful messages, media usage, approaching target audiences, direct mail vs. telemarketing vs. e-solicitiation (or all three), donor cultivation, prospect research and qualification, the value and importance of on-going stewardship, and making the actual ask. And I suspect, a whole lot of other topics will creep in there. If you have a question, feel free to post it and see what kinds of responses you receive.
I believe in the synergy of great minds working together to develop creative solutions. Electric Philanthropy is a forum for all brilliant advancement professionals and volunteers to take their fundraising efforts to the next level.
Tune in to Electric Philanthropy from time to time. I guarantee you'll pick up a nugget or two of useful information that will change how you raise money. And if you do that, just think of the ways we can change the world!
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