I am in a really cool new volunteer role for the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation. I am the chairman of the development committee. This Foundation has just celebrated its first year and it is such an interesting challenge to be at the very beginning of a non-profit start-up. This organization exists to help overcome the barriers for girls to get an education and as a result, provides opportunities to lift them out of poverty and oppression. It's a lofty goal but one I think most women, especially those of us who have benefitted from a quality education, have an obligation to help.
I recently wrote a blog article: 10 Tips to Fundraise Like a Pro. There's good suggestions for those participating with the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation but is really applicable to any kind of fundraising. Let me know your thoughts. What would you add?
Just so you know I follow my own advice, I'm doing my own individual fundraiser for the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation and am using a really fun platform at Crowdrise. It only takes one step to start a movement and that's what I intend to do. I hope you'll consider making a $25 gift and help me raise $1,000 in my Power of One initiative. Thank you!